Vehicle Air Conditioning

We'll help you get your car ready for the hot or cold weather.

Having a fully operational air conditioning system not only adds to your comfort, but it also provides additional safety when used for window demisting.

Car Air-Con Service & Re-gas๏ปฟ

Your car’s heating, ventilating and air conditioning system (HVAC) keeps your car interior comfortable in any season by providing the right temperature and humidity level. The HVAC system also helps improve the window defroster operation.

We can have your vehicle air-conditioning professionally serviced to ensure the entire HVAC system will work for you as designed.

A thorough inspection of your car’s HVAC system should be performed annually. The air-conditioning service and re-gas usually involves the following steps:

  • Pressure checks to test operation, refrigerant charge and outlet temperatures.
  • If the system is found to be low on refrigerant, a leak test is performed to find the source of the leak.
  • Our technicians may also check for evidence of refrigerant cross-contamination, which is the mixing of refrigerants.
  • We will also include a check of the compressor’s drive belt and tension.

The Anatomy of a Vehicle Air Conditioning System

Components of a vehicle air conditioning system

The Air Conditioning System of you vehicle is a complex one that ensures the actual performance of the vehicle in both cold and warm weathers.

The main components of a vehicle air conditioning system are:

  • The Condenser - functions as a heat exchanger, passing heat from the cabin carried by the refrigerant to the cooler outside air.
  • The Receiver Drier - stores the refrigerant, filters debris and absorbs moisture preventing acid formation.
  • The Evaporator - acts as a heat exchanger where the refrigerant enters the evaporator coil as a cold low-pressure liquid. As it passes through the coil, heat moves from the warm air blowing across the evaporator into the cooler refrigerant. The air is now cooled and ducted into the cabin.
  • The TX Valve - modulates refrigerant flow into the evaporator to ensure maximum cooling. It ensures the complete evaporation of the liquid refrigerant takes place in the evaporator.
  • The Compressor - acts as a pump, keeping the refrigerant and lubrication oil circulating, to increase the refrigerant pressure and control the temperature.
  • The Pressure Switch - protects the system from adverse operating conditions. It monitors pressure, operates the fan, interfaces with vehicle power control module.

Get tips and tricks on getting the most of your vehicle air-conditioning system

Get Ready For The Next Generation of Auto Air Conditioning Refrigerant - Now Available at Automotive
January 16, 2023
After years of intensive research by the automotive industry, a new standard refrigerant for late model vehicles has been developed - R1234yf (OpteonTM YF). R1234yf has been chosen as the more environmentally safe solution with an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of 0.0 and a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of only 4. That is 335 times less than that of R134a! Automotive Electrical Designs can supply and install the new R1234yf air con gas to your vehicle in our service centre.
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Should you run your car air conditioning in cold weather?

Car aircon service and regas Perth

Yes, you should. At least every couple of weeks for 15 minutes, as this will allow the refrigerant to circulate through the system. 

The lubricant in the refrigerant keeps all the rubber seals and pipework in good condition, otherwise it can lead to leaky seals and more re-gasses. Without frequent use, moisture can also build up within the air vent ducts causing mold and bacteria which are then blown into the car when you start the system again. 

We can do a professional check of your vehicle air con system, to make sure you'll have a safe and comfortable driving experience through both the warm and the colder months.

Book an Air-Con Service

Having an air-con breakdown?

Don't hesitate, give us a call Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 5 pm.

Are you looking for air-con service and re-gas in Perth?

We’re here to help!

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